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Detox Formula Colon 1 Phase. Detox Step 1 Plus Сolon Сleansing Formula

17.10.2023 в 02:06

Detox Formula Colon 1 Phase. Detox Step 1 Plus Сolon Сleansing Formula

Detox Step 1 Plus formula ('Colon') is deep, multipurpose body cleansing from toxins and allergens and reducing 'environmental stress'. It's a perfect preparatory stage for a weight management program and/or taking dietary supplement program.

You need Detox Step 1 if:

  • you have stomach discomfort;
  • you have intestine failure and slow digestion;
  • you are under stress.

As a result of detoxification, metabolic processes improve, the immune barrier strengthens, providing protection against viral infections; the body's adaptive capabilities extend in case of stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Consult your physician before use.A dietary supplement. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Package: 40 capsules / 450mg.Made in Russia. Halal certified.

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You can buy this product in NL International stores

    Check list

    You need Detox Step 1 Plus if:

    • your colon function is unstable, you tend to have slow digestion and bloating;
    • you have stomach discomfort;
    • you suffer from bouts of nausea, overeating and appetite disorders;
    • you are under stress and as a result you suffer from digestive disorders.

    The components of the renewed colon cleansing formula contribute to:

    • Soft and effective cleansing.
    • Improving bowel movement.
    • Improving gut microbiota and the immune status.

    A proprietary development of the ULTRANOVATION R&D Laboratory.

    Halal certified.

    The program works holistically. After colon cleansing, it is necessary to take Detox Step 2 Plus for liver cleansing in order to obtain maximum efficiency.

    Ingredients: 'FLORACIA' dietary fibre (fructooligosaccharides, gum arabic (carrier)), cellulose capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (carrier)), aloe vera extract, burdock root extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (fennel) fruit extract, Coriandrum Sativum (сoriander) fruit extract, fennel essential oil, coriander essential oil, maltodextrin, silicon dioxide (anticaking agent).

    Floracia®natural dietary fibers are a unique combination of two types of soluble dietary fiber:long-chain polysaccharides from acacia and short-chain inulin oligosaccharides from chicory root. 'Floracia' has a low molecular weight, instantly splits in the colon and is an effective prebiotic, affecting microflora. The main Floracia®fiber aim is to regulate colon cleansing, gut microbiota composition and strengthen immune protection.

    Aloe vera extract , enriched with polysaccharides, is a great remedy for removing toxins (detoxification) and improves gastrointestinal tract functions.

    Coriander seeds have antiseptic, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. Coriander and fennel help the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system relax and reduce gas.

    Burdock root extract is an additional source of dietary fibers – inulin – for strengthening the cleansing effect. Burdock root has a wide spectrum of effects: cleansing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, choleretic, lipidemic and digestion-enhancing.

    Recommended use

    Adults take 2 capsules 2 times a day with a meal. The duration of intake is 10 days.

    Contraindications : individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, susceptibility to diarrhea, acute gastrointestinal diseases and intestinal obstruction.

    Consult your physician before use.

    15 Day cleanse and Detox reviews. Отзывы Colon Cleanse: 15-Day Detox Plus Weight Loss Combo with Green Coffee Fat Burner Bonus

    15 Day cleanse and Detox reviews. Отзывы Colon Cleanse: 15-Day Detox Plus Weight Loss Combo with Green Coffee Fat Burner Bonus

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    Отзывы Colon Cleanse: 15-Day Detox Plus Weight Loss Combo with Green Coffee Fat Burner Bonus.:

    * Отзывы автоматически переведены на русский язык, перевод может содержать речевые ошибки.

    Я принес этот продукт, потому что я был не хватает энергии, страдающих запорами последние несколько недель. Друг сказал мне, насколько эффективно это детоксикации продукт для них, и у меня были большие ожидания. То, что я не понимал, что, когда ваш кишечник действительно вяло, что вы можете иметь много токсинов, застрявших в вашем теле, поэтому, когда вы начинаете детоксикации вы можете получить некоторые неприятные побочные эффекты. Я получил действительно болит голова в первый день и волновался поэтому я связался их обслуживания клиентов. Именно по этой причине я даю продукту 5 звезд, потому справочной службы был учтивым и предупредительным. Через пару писем с них я понял, что некоторый дискомфорт нормально и что я мог уменьшить симптомы детоксикации путем подготовки в течение недели до начала приема капсул. Я начал делать детокс диета, которую можно получить в книге бонус рецепта. Я был удивлен, что свободная детокс диета книга была настолько полна отличных советов. Я люблю шоколад банан коктейль, да это детоксикации сердцеед,. В легкие блюда и закуски легко сделать. Я не чувствую себя голодным вообще и через два дня я чувствую себя лучше. У меня больше энергии и меньше вздутие живота. Я начинаю с Detox очистить капсулы снова на следующей неделе. Я жду больших результатов на этот раз. Я добавить к этому отзыву в течение нескольких дней, чтобы рассказать вам, как я ладить с ней.Я хотел получить некоторые из с – р из моего тела. У меня были проблемы с кишечником и Вита Чи Зеленый кофе Detox очистить помог мне во время 15-дневного детоксикации я взял, чтобы очистить вещи. Это заставило меня немного судорожный, но эй, это и следовало ожидать во время очищения толстой кишки, я думаю. Бонус электронная книга является большим, и рецепты замечательны чтение. В разделе фрукты держать меня заинтриговало, и я действительно наслаждаюсь киви и ананаса. Поэтому, когда я увидел рецепт киви, ананас, авокадо, зеленый чай, кокосовое встряхнуть я должен был попробовать его в первую очередь. Я должен сказать, что это не напоминают мне о двоеточие очистить напитка. Я делаю их ежедневно дважды в день. E-Book ответил на многочисленные вопросы, которые я имел о очистить. Я очень рекомендую этот продукт и E-Book, который является приятным сюрпризом, для всех, кто ищет, чтобы начать включение сезонных очищает в их жизни. Я буду делать это снова более регулярно наверняка.

    Colon cleanse. What is Colon cleanse

    Colon cleanse also called colonic irrigation is a complementary therapy. It involves flushing waste material out of the bowel (large intestine) using water 2) .

    During the procedure, you will lie on your side while warm water is passed into your bowel through a tube inserted into your rectum (back passage). Warm filtered water is introduced into your colon through a small tube called a speculum that is gently inserted about an inch and a half into your rectum. As the warm water enters, you’ll feel a fullness as your colon fills up, then a relaxing feeling as it empties. The water pressure and temperature are carefully controlled and all waste is drained away discreetly in a closed system with absolutely no mess or odors.

    This filling and emptying is repeated several times and massage is applied to your abdomen. Unlike an enema, colonic hydrotherapy reaches the whole length of your large intestine, with the massage from your therapist helping to ensure you benefit from an effective cleanse.

    The water circulates through your colon, and waste products are passed out of your body through the tube.

    The procedure lasts about 30-45 minutes, during which around 60 liters of water is introduced into the rectum. Herbal infusions are sometimes added to the water.

    The concept behind colon cleanse

    It is well known that in antiquity medicine often resorted to the use of enemas and rectoclysis to “free” the body of the “humors” and “poisons” believed to originate in the intestine and to cause diseases in many other organs. Indeed, an Egyptian papyrus dating back to the XVI century B.C. provides evidence of the belief that toxic substances produced by poorly digested foods could pass through the intestinal lumen and into the blood stream causing disorders even in distant organs. In the early 1900s a British surgeon, Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, was profoundly convinced of this theory: when the contents of the large intestine stagnate, “toxic substances” are more easily absorbed and lead to chronic disorders. As a result, he performed extensive colon cleanse on patients with a wide range of disorders: from arthritis to hypertension and skin pathologies. In those same years, the British Medical Journal published an article that concluded by saying that fecal stasis altered colon bacterial flora, thus favoring bacteria capable of toxin production (either anaerobes or coliforms) with systemic effects3) .

    Dr bo 15 Day Colon Detox. Description

    15-Day Colon Cleanse for Detox & Weight Loss – Natural Bowel Cleanser Pills for Intestinal Bloating, Constipation Relief, and Enhanced Digestion – Probiotics and Herbal Blend for a Healthy Gut – Prebiotic Support and Toxin Flush

    Experience the power of our 15-Day Colon Cleanse Detox formula, designed to flush out bowel waste and promote detoxification for improved weight loss and overall well-being. These natural detox pills provide relief from constipation, reduce stomach bloating, and address issues like IBS.

    Our fast-acting digestive cleanse and probiotics supplement supports healthy digestion and a balanced gut environment. With the inclusion of lactobacillus acidophilus, a potent probiotic, it helps alleviate stomach bloating for both men and women.

    Find relief from constipation with our advanced herbal blend, featuring aloe vera and other supportive ingredients. This formula promotes regular bowel movements and aids in a thorough detox cleanse. The carefully selected laxatives and herbs contribute to a complete colon cleanse detox.

    Nourish your gut with prebiotic support from psyllium husk and flaxseed. These fiber-rich ingredients enhance regularity, support natural bowel movements, and create an optimal environment for probiotics to thrive. Feel your best with our colon cleanser detox, designed for weight loss and overall wellness.

    Cleanse your system and eliminate toxins with Dr. Bo’s 15-Day Colon Cleanse laxative supplements. These quick cleanse supplement pills help boost energy levels, promote weight loss, and support daily regular bowel movements in adults.

    Unlock the benefits of a healthier gut and a rejuvenated body. Order our 15-Day Colon Cleanse Detox formula today and embark on a journey towards improved digestion, enhanced weight loss, and overall well-being.

    15 Day cleanse and Detox. 15 Day Colon Detox Cleanse

    About 15 Day Colon Detox Cleanse

    The 15-Day Cleanse formula will provide results within 12 to 24 hours in terms of helping rid the intestinal tract of excess waste, reduce bloating, help increase energy and may provide several pounds of weight loss within a few days. Included in the formula are effective natural laxatives, fiber, herbs which help soothe the intestinal lining and Acidophilus to help promote healthy bacteria levels in the intestinal tract.

    Reported Benefits of 15 Day Colon Detox Cleanse

    • Purify itself
    • Excrete wastes
    • Enhance metabolism
    • Enhance fat burning
    • Maintain a healthy water balance

    We are the top private label supplier / manufacturer for 15 Day Colon Detox Cleanse , and can private label it to your needs.

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    15 Day Colon cleanse benefits. 15 Day (2x) Herbal Colon Detox

    Regular price $13.97

    Our natural herbal colon cleanser has been expertly formulated in order to quickly and efficiently detox and clean your colon in just 15 days. This bottle can do two time cleansing cycle. This maximum-strength formulated herbal detox supplement has been third party lab tested for both purity and strength. Plus, with all-natural ingredients, it’s a perfect to support weight management

    Cleansing the colon is extremely beneficial since it flushes the waste from your colon and blood steam, which helps rejuvenate your body. This is perfect for helping with weight loss, boosting your immune system, and increasing energy levels. Each all-natural ingredient in our fast-acting and maximum-strength formula has been carefully hand selected in order to provide you the most benefits without any unwanted side-effects.

    How Can Each Ingredient Help You?

    • Senna Leaf (20% Extract): Often used to treat constipation, and is known to be a helpful bowl cleanser.
    • Cascara Sagrada Bark (10% Extract): Helpful for treating constipation and is a powerful detoxing agent.
    • Psyllium Husk Powder: A well-known fiber supplement that that is used as a laxative while also reducing cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.
    • Artichoke & Milk Thistle: well-known herbals for liver health
    • Ginger Root and Slippery Elm: Used for soothing digestion problems
    • Papaya Fruit: rich in enzyme that is good for digestive health.


    Click the “Add to Cart” button and let our Herbal Detox and Colon Cleanser help rejuvenate your body, today!

    • Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18 and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this supplement.
    • Individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.